Thanks for this wonderful write up, it is very well written and very easy to understand.

I have a follow up question - Are the 3 blood tests mentioned above a sure shot way of determining if we have Insulin resistance or not? Out of the 5 questions mentioned above, I answered yes to only the PCOS question - no doctor has been able to fix this condition, nor being able to diagnose the root cause (I have been told that the root cause of PCOS cannot be determined). The only 2 symptoms of PCOS that I have are acne and facial hair, and I have lean PCOS.

Wondering if insulin resistance is identifiable through a test, is it reversible too? No doctor has ever suggested these tests though..

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Hi Jannat,

Insulin resistance is reversible for sure.

How do you know you have Lean PCOS because in Lean PCOS, the Liver is still fatty, did they check that? PCOS is reversible if worked properly and at Active Human, we work towards reversing it from its root cause.

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Not sure of the Lean PCOS terminology here, this was just something that I was told by the doctors. I am trying out the 21-day gut cleanse to see if gut is the culprit here (or this is linked to food in any way).

But I am amazed to know that PCOS is reversible (and surprised that doctors never mention it). :)

Also Manish, it would be great if you could share the right channel to reach out to the Active Human team in this regard.

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